Correctly classifying the risks to be protected and determining the design parameters of the sprinkler system is the most difficult part of the design process. Some foreign insurers specify the design parameters in the specification and thus take responsibility for the correctness of this step. With a change of insurance company, it is sometimes necessary to modify the equipment. The specification can be quite vague, and information about the production technology and materials to be processed is not easy to find out. The use of the building may change over time, so it is advisable to leave reasonable reserves in the project. The fire safety design of the building does not usually address the design parameters of the sprinkler system, but it is possible to read how a fire would have proceeded without fire-fighting equipment.
When designing the sprinkler system, we consider what the fire will look like at the development stage, how it will spread and how it will resist extinguishment.
For the design of the sprinkler system is essential:
rate of fire spread, increase in heat output, geometric arrangement
unusual fire spread (tissue paper, sprays)
wettability and absorbency of materials (goods packed in cardboard or foil)
fire output at the moment the sprinklers open (ceiling height)
smoke flow under the ceiling (sloped ceilings, multi-storey fire compartments)
Aeration of stored material